Advanced Certified Akashic Record Practitioner

Do You Know Yourself at the Soul Level?
Are you ready to make your break down a break through?
Are you ready for more clarity and direction in your life?
Are you ready to heal the heavy or blocked parts of your life?
Hi, I am Shannon!
I help you find the Soul Level Truth
to bring you into Alignment with
the Level of Awareness
Your Soul Intended.
Akashic Records
Think of the Akashic Records as a Spiritual Google, you can explore answers to anything- from your soul's purpose, health, career, relationships, and more.
Working with your Guides in the Akasha is AMAZING, and is perfect for finding clarity, direction, root causes and just greater self awareness and understanding. It's not fortune telling, it's better. It's coming HOME to YOUR SOUL's TRUTH.
Reiki Energy Healing
Reiki is a powerful, yet gentle energetic and spiritual healing modality that promotes natural self-healing using Universal Life Energy.
Crystalline Soul Healing® reprograms the instructions and interactions of the DNA through your Higher Self. This profound modality heals patterns, misinformation and trauma that inhibit your natural, loving communication of Life.
Start Your Journey
Appointment availability is limited, and if you can't find a time that works for you or if you have any questions, please email me.
Every morning I ask to be a clear channel for love, compassion, and healing; I ask to be of service. So, thank you for helping me do just that. I see you; I hear you; I am here to support you!
Crystalline Soul Healing
Shannon Has Had the Honor and Pleasure of Working With...

About Shannon
Your Spiritual BFF... Big Laugh, Big Smile, & Big Heart
Shannon has a double Masters in Cognitive and Social Psychology, and worked for over four years on a PhD in Ecological Community Psychology before returning to her metaphysical roots.
Having provided thousands of Akashic Record Readings, she's a Certified Advanced Akashic Record Practitioner with over 100 hours of in-person training with Hay House Author Dr. Linda Howe and Helen Vonderheide. She's also spent years honing her Reiki Energy Healing practice to become a Reiki Master Teacher; training in-person for all levels with Hay House Author Marisa Moris. Shannon naturally channels Light Language and is Crystalline Soul Healing Practitioner trained in-person and certified by Jayme Price.
In addition, she's taken a ton of other trainings and certifications, because she tends to intellectualize the crap out of everything.
Learn more about Shannon's Soul Journey HERE.