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What's an Akashic Record Reading Like?


BEFORE the Akashic Record Reading/ How to Prepare for the Akashic Record Reading

When you book your Akashic Record Session, you'll be given an opportunity to provide your name, email, phone number, and tell me a little bit about yourself. Tell me if you would like the reading in-person, on-line via zoom, or over the phone. I'll contact you the day of your reading with more information. If you choose in-person, I'll email you directions and parking information. If you choose on-line, I'll email you a meeting invite. If you choose over the phone, I'll call you during our scheduled time. Please be sure to read the Helpful Information Section of the Booking page.


To prepare for the Akashic Record Reading, think about your life and where you would like insight, guidance, and healing information. Normally, people ask about love/ relationships, career/ finance, life purpose, or whatever weighs heavy on your heart.  Bring your questions. Check out the Example Akashic Record Questions. 


DURING the Akashic Record Reading

An Akashic Record Reading is a shared experience between you, the Akashic Record Practitioner, and the energy of the Akasha, Akashic Records. A session in the Akashic Records will feel like a normal conversation among friends that is fused with higher energy. I'll begin with the Pathway Prayer©, some parts of which are said out loud and some silently. You'll know the Akashic Records are open, because I'll say "The Records are now open." Once the Akashic Records are open, you can ask questions and explain the situation you would like clarity on.


For me, as the Akashic Record Practitioner, how I receive Akashic information varies. Sometimes I will see (clairvoyance), sometimes hear (clairaudience), sometimes physically feel (clairsentience),

and sometimes emotionally tap in (clairempathy) to the guidance. I also channel direct and loving messages from your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones. All information discussed during a reading is confidential. At the end of our time, I will close the Akashic Records with a prayer.


AFTER the Akashic Record Reading

I will email you an audio file or video of your reading. HOWEVER, always take your own notes because sometimes technology just sucks. You are welcome to email me any questions seeking clarification on what was discussed during the Akashic Reading. If you have follow up questions or what to explore new areas, please book another appointment HERE. If you are interested in a combined Akashic Record Reading and Reiki Session, please contact me


I AM Ready to Book My Akashic Record Reading
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